A Brief Review of Important Matters: Beastie Boys Legal Fees, Amazon vs. the FAA, and Trump vs. Young

Amazon (among other large companies) is calling on Congress to limit restrictions on commercial drone flights so that it can continue to push forward it's harebrained drone-delivery system. The FAA's current proposed drone rule still carries pretty hefty limitations and would all but decimate Amazon's desire to fill the skies with box-carrying robots.

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On Civil Disobedience, Drones, Street Art, and Being Bold

I enjoy seeing people using art and technology to make change. Reconciling that desire with my oath to uphold the law isn't easy and I struggle with it constantly. I think the first step is knowing what the law is and what your rights are. Only then can you push back effectively. Whether or not he consulted with an attorney, KATSU certainly knows what he faces every time he goes outside with a spray can. That knowledge is the difference between art that matters and art that’s just taking up space. That’s the difference between being bold and being reckless. KATSU decided that saying something, knowing that he could go to jail for it, is more important than saying nothing and being safe.

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A Brief Review of Extremely Important Matters: Release Forms, Drones, and Other Miscellany

My latest Cinema Law column for Moviemaker Magazine is out and deals with whether or not to get waivers from background people and passers-by when they walk through your shot. I won't give it all away here (you have to go to the article to hear what I have to say), but I will say this: you probably don't need to be as diligent as I used to be back in my days as a young producer. Head over to Moviemaker Magazine to check it out in full!

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